Thank you for writing this. I have Cptsd and depression from relentless bullying in my youth and I was not fit to care for my son with combined ADHD and autism. He was transitioned to a group home at 13 and it was the best move ever. He’s now 17 and with trained professionals he has a bright future. He is smart and is now mostly independent with self care and he’ll be able to work. He did have a lot of therapy at home but it wasn’t enough and I was terrified I’d become completely psychotic. I have a typical daughter too who missed out. I was almost 300 lbs and thankfully I’m not anymore. But I’ve gotten so much judgment anyway. I stop those who judge me in their tracks by telling them to google Patricia Ripley. That shuts them up. Besides if my son stayed at home I may have had a heart attack, he’d be functioning at a very low level, and my daughter would have excess trauma. These old beliefs need to go.